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Equithermal regulation

Equithermal regulation is a term from the field of heating and air conditioning that refers to temperature regulation in several rooms so that an even temperature is achieved between them. This approach to temperature control aims to ensure that all rooms in the building are kept at the same temperature without significant temperature differences.

The main idea of equithermal regulation is to minimize thermal imbalances between individual rooms and to achieve comfortable living conditions for residents. This means that all rooms have a similar temperature regardless of which room is exposed to external factors such as sunlight or cold ventilation.

To achieve equithermal regulation, temperature regulators and heating and cooling devices are used, which are located in different parts of the building. These systems can also include thermal zones and various temperature sensors to measure the temperature in individual rooms. Based on the measurements of the sensors, the performance of the heating or cooling system is regulated in order to maintain an even temperature in all rooms.

The advantage of equithermal regulation is that it ensures comfortable and consistent temperature conditions for the residents of the entire building. This approach can be particularly useful in areas with significant climate change and in multi-room buildings such as apartment complexes, commercial buildings, and others.

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