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thermal bridge

A thermal bridge, also known as thermal bridge transfer or thermal bridge leakage, is an area in the construction of a building or structure where there is a significant penetration of heat through a material with high thermal conductivity. It is a place with higher thermal conductivity compared to the surrounding materials, which leads to increased heat transfer through the wall, ceiling, floor or other structural element.

Thermal bridges can have various causes and can be caused by various factors, such as insufficient thermal insulation, imperfect material joints, prismatic shaping of the structure, use of materials with high thermal conductivity, etc. Thermal bridges can lead to significant heat leakage from the building and increased heat losses.

The consequences of thermal bridging can include higher heating and cooling costs, impaired thermal comfort, condensation of moisture on cold surfaces, mold and mildew, deterioration of the building's energy performance, and lower energy efficiency.

In order to minimize thermal bridges, it is important to properly design and implement the building's insulation system, use materials with low thermal conductivity, avoid thermal bridges in structural elements and ensure proper connection between different materials. Thermal bridges are also often evaluated and modeled using thermal simulations to determine their impact on the building's energy performance and to propose appropriate measures to eliminate or reduce them.

Vytvořil Shoptet | Design Shoptetak.cz.